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  • What other ways can I donate?
    You can reach out to us at to discuss a number of other ways to support our cause. We accept gifts made through wire transfer. Gifts of life insurance, bequests or other planned gifts are welcome, as are in-kind gifts. We accept gifts of stock and cryptocurrency.
  • How much of my donation pays for overhead?
    Thanks to the generosity of our board and a handful of lead donors, our minimal overhead costs ($.08 of a dollar) have been paid for, enabling 100% of your donation to go directly to our work supporting children with a terminally ill parent.
  • How many children lose a parent to a terminal illness each year?
    2.8 million children in the United States have lost a parent to a terminal illness. In the United Kingdom, 40,000 dependent children lose a parent to illness each year. By the age of 16, 4.7%, (1 in 20) children in the US and UK will experience the death of one or both of their parents. 70% of schools in the US and UK currently have at least one student who has lost a parent or caregiver over the course of the last year. (sources: Parsons, Office of National Statistics)
  • Do you have measures to show the impact of my gift?
    As entrepreneurs, we operate like a business. Being transparent and having clear measures are integral to our work. Because we are new, we are not at the point yet where we can provide metrics. However, we know that unresolved grief can lead to a lifetime of challenging issues. Grieving children and their parents need comprehensive support and the benefit of world-class thinking. In our work, we seek to provide useful, data-driven and proven supports, while also being open to change and new Ideas.
  • What is your Tax ID Number
    Our Tax ID Number (US) is: 88-2987304
  • Is my donation tax dedutible?
    Elizabeth’s Smile is a 501c3 non-profit organization (EIN 88-2987304). Unless specifically noted, no goods or services are provided in exchange for contributions.
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© 2023 Elizabeth's Smile


US Address:

7501 Wisconsin Ave.
Suite 1200 West
Bethesda, MD 20814


UK Address:

5 New Street Square, London EC4A 3TW


EIN: 88-2987304

UK Charity No.: 1204025

General Inquiries:
+1 (203) 257-2578

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