Give a Smile on Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday is November 28th.
Please consider supporting our mission to help grieving children and their caregivers by becoming a Smile Maker for Elizabeth's Smile.
Your participation in our cause can change the life of a grieving family.
The ask is simple: set up a fundraising page, share why you are motivated to support grieving families, and then, from November 28th to December 3rd, invite people to join you in giving to our cause.
We are here to provide all the support needed. All you need to do is take the first step.
How To Become a Smile Maker
Set Up Your Fundraising Page
You can create your own fundraising page to track how much you raise on our JustGiving platform.
Setting up your page is simple, but if you need any assistance, please let us know and we'd be happy to help!
Share Your Fundraiser
Text, email, social media - whatever you're the most comfortable with! Share why you are a Smile Maker with your friends and family to help raise awareness about our cause.
If you aren't comfortable making your own social posts, feel free to reshare any of our posts and links to our website.
Participate In Random Acts of Smiling on Friday Dec. 1st
We believe in Random Acts of Smiling. They're Random Acts of Kindness with our Elizabeth's Smile spin.
It can be as simple as holding the door open for someone, or getting a small gift for your friend to put a smile on their face.